Western Gateway

An accessible website for government organisation Western Gateway.


We designed and built a new Double AA Standard of accessibility for government organisation Western Gateway. 

However first, we updated the branding, and designed many documents and brochures. Once we had the new brand style confirmed we moved onto the website project. 

Website design,
development & support

Looking for a kick-ass new website to maximise your leads and boost your brand? Get in touch using the button below or email studio@milkandtweed.com

Explore our projects

Text Marketer

Logo and Brand Design
Website Design

Text Marketer

Logo and Brand Design
Website Design


Logo and Brand Design
Website Design
Website Hosting


Logo and Brand Design
Website Design
Website Hosting

Goughs Solicitors

Website Design
WordPress Development
Website Support Packages

Goughs Solicitors

Website Design
WordPress Development
Website Support Packages