11 common mistakes business make when building their websites blog header

11 common mistakes businesses make when building their website

We’ve spoken a lot before about what makes a good website. Not to be big headed, but we think we have a good grasp on what beautiful web design looks like – but now that we’ve covered the good, it’s time to talk about the bad and the ugly.

There’s some fundamental mistakes people make when building a website, whether that’s down to the design, build, or content. 

1. Too much content

We’re seeing websites move more and more towards clean, efficient design. Clutterless pages. Snappy headlines. Short forms. The quickest way to discourage a potential customer is by cluttering your site with content, especially when you have 10-20 seconds to grab your users attention before they click off. Keep content to a minimum, sharing only the copy, images, or videos that you think will help a user convert, or bring them further down the sales funnel.

2. Not enough content

On the other side of the coin, you can also shoot yourself in the foot by not including vital information. If a user has been on your site for a few minutes, and still doesn’t fully understand what you do, how you can help them, or what you offer, they’ll click off too. The technical term for this is ‘thin content’ and refers to a page that’s either image heavy, lacks search-engine friendly content, or is full of links.

3. Not designing for mobile

In today’s mobile-first world, not designing your website for mobile is a massive mistake. According to a report by Statista, in the fourth quarter of 2022, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 59.16% of global website traffic. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on potential customers. Make sure your website is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes, and test it on various devices.

4. Slow load times

No one likes a slow-loading website. In fact, a study by Google found that the probability of bounce increases by 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. Try aiming for a load time of under 2 seconds. To improve your website’s load time you can try compressing images, minimising the use of plugins, and optimising your code.

5. Poor navigation

Navigation and the way a user moves around your site is a critical aspect of web design. If your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave, so be sure your navigation is clear and easy to use, with a menu that is easy to access from any page on your website. Use descriptive titles and organise your content logically so it can be easily found by all users of your site!

6. Ignoring SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most important steps to driving traffic to your website, in our humble opinion. Make sure you understand what your website should be ranking for, and be sure it’s optimised for those keywords related to your business. Use meta tags to describe your content, utilise internal linking to help visitors navigate your site and improve your site’s ranking in search engine results!

7. Not prioritising website security

In February 2023, there were more than 29,582,350 data breaches, meaning website security needs to be a top priority for all business owners. If your website is hacked, it can be a nightmare for your business and your customers. Ensure your website is secure by installing an SSL certificate and using strong passwords. Regularly update your software to prevent vulnerabilities.

8. Not keeping your website up to date

Your website is not a one-and-done project! Regularly updating your website with fresh content, new products, and features shows that your business is active and engaged. It also helps with SEO by giving search engines new content to crawl!

9. Not having clear calls-to-action 

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential to guide your website visitors towards a specific action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. If your website doesn’t have clear CTAs, you may miss out on conversions. Make sure your CTAs stand out on the page, use action-oriented language, and are strategically placed!

10. Poorly written content

Your website’s content must be well-written, informative, and engaging. Poorly written content can turn off potential customers and harm your brand’s credibility. Use clear and concise language, break up content into manageable sections, and proofread thoroughly before publishing! 

11. Neglecting the importance of branding 

Your website is a reflection of your brand. Neglecting the importance of branding can lead to a website that feels disconnected from your business’s identity. Ensure your website’s design, colour scheme, and tone of voice align with your brand’s values and personality. Consistency is key when it comes to branding.

By avoiding these common website mistakes, you can create a website that drives traffic, engages your visitors, and boosts your business’s sales. Remember to prioritise clear CTAs, well-written content, and an easy to navigate layout and structure, and you’ll be onto a beautiful website that converts!

Alternatively, you can leave it to us – if you’re looking for a beautiful website why not speak to our expert web team? We can design and build you the website that you have always dreamt of, with a great looking design whether that be on a desktop or your mobile phone!

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