Is Jamie relevant?

Is Jamie relevant?

It’s a big question we know, and one we are going to answer in this article. But before we get into it, let us explain what the hell this is even about. Marketers love using stats! 200% increase here, £500,000 increase in sales there. And who wouldn’t when the numbers look so good? Numbers and […]

7 Essential pages your website should have

There’s currently around 1.12 billion websites on the internet, meaning there really are plenty of fish in the sea! But you want your fish to stand out and get noticed. It’s important that you have the basics, but you first need to know which pages are essential so that you can have a website that […]

A beginners guide to setting up your business on social media

Social media can be a scary and overwhelming concept to get your head around, especially if it’s all very new to you. There are so many platforms and types of content and, sometimes not getting involved can seem like the safer option. Little do you know, by not taking that leap of faith, you’re missing […]

10 Essentials for an e-commerce website

It is no secret that online shopping has moulded our shopping habits. With 20% of all retail sales happening online, it’s so important that your website is high-performing and grabs your audience’s attention. The main focus of any e-commerce site should be the user experience (UX). Online shopping can’t replicate the experience the customer has […]

WordPress VS Joomla: A bigger battle than you think

WordPress vs Joomla

Decisions, decisions. There are so many of them in business, and not least when deciding which content management system (CMS) to choose for your website. If you’re a regular visitor to the world of The Tweed, you’ll know that we are huge believers in all things WordPress, however, we are not averse to checking out […]

Big brands that use WordPress for their websites

We love WordPress. We use it for all of our websites, and we even have several different articles talking about how good WordPress is. But it turns out that it’s not just us that love it. 835 million websites use WordPress in 2023, which works out at about 43% of all websites.  That is HUGE! […]

Milk & Tweed acquire Brighton Web Agency, Huxley Digital

We have some very big and exciting news to share with you… We have acquired Brighton web agency, Huxley! Huxley Digital is a technical web agency from Brighton. With a team of WordPress specialists, they create beautiful and technical websites with a keen focus on accessibility for the SME market. They support a wide range […]

What is ‘Debranding’ and why are brands hopping on this trend?

Debranding is currently a hot topic amongst the branding and marketing world, and is a term that existed long before Pringles decided to remove the luscious locks from their famous mascot Mr. P (he has a name, who knew!?). But what does this mysterious term mean and why are brands deciding to swap their whimsical, […]

What is a conversion funnel? All the stages explained

Welcome to the world of conversion funnels – where customers enter as mere spectators and exit as loyal customers. You may have heard the term “conversion funnel” being thrown around in the marketing world, but what exactly is a conversion funnel, and why should you care? Let’s break it down for you. What is a […]

11 common mistakes businesses make when building their website

11 common mistakes business make when building their websites blog header

We’ve spoken a lot before about what makes a good website. Not to be big headed, but we think we have a good grasp on what beautiful web design looks like – but now that we’ve covered the good, it’s time to talk about the bad and the ugly. There’s some fundamental mistakes people make […]